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The Trump administration decided not to publish a statement that was going to blame Russia for recently discovered hacker attacks using SolarWinds software. On Friday night, the White House was supposed to formally accuse Russia of the cyberattack, but at the last minute it decided to postpone the publication. Meanwhile, Trump suggested that China, not Russia, may be behind the attack on the US government. Experts interviewed by Vedomosti believe that the US establishment is trying to spin the attack for political gain.
Igor Ashmanov, president of the Kribrum analytical company, noted that according to the US national cyber strategy, Russia is seen as Washington’s chief adversary, while China is enemy number two. In his opinion, the SolarWinds attack is not the work of Russia, nor China. Professional hackers belonging to state cyber troops do not behave like that. It s a common virus story, combat viruses don t work that way. A combat virus lives in the system
16 December 2020, 5:31 am EST By
SolarWinds was allegedly attacked by Russian hackers. The recent attack was a big deal since it is one of the largest software providers.
However, the giant company claimed that no other products were affected in the previous security breach. SolarWinds said on Tuesday, Dec. 17, that they were not able to find other products containing malicious codes similar to the one they identified in the Orian platform.
According to ZDNet s latest report, the company made its assertion after it carried out an internal audit of all its applications. SolarWinds conducted the audit after news outlets reported on Sunday, Dec. 13, that Russian state-sponsored cyber criminals attacked the company s internal network.