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Presented by CVS Health
THE BUZZ SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK: The stakes were high for Gov.
Gavin Newsom Tuesday and to use one of his favorite phrases, he met the moment, giving a relentlessly upbeat State of the State address that shattered traditions on style, length and location.
IN 1994, stylish models pulled on their glad rags to raise money for 15 local charities. The work and generosity that went into the project was praised by the community and those who benefitted from the work by the Order of the Eastern Star. SHOWING: Hilary Kidney models a black and red ensemble, at the South Cumbria Dyslexia Association Fashion show, in 1991 The fashion show they organised was dedicated to charitable causes. The show was held at the Lisdoonie Hotel in Barrow and included a raffle and tombola, as well as the star attraction, a catwalk show. Everyone s favourite. SHOW: Pat Morrison wearing a black and white check suit in 1994