DC Reveals Wonder Woman s Fate in Future State
We re officially three week into DC s
Future State event, and it continues to find new and innovative ways to add to the iconic comic mythos. Considering the fact that Future State directly piggybacks off of
Dark Nights: Death Metal, one of the biggest unanswered questions going into the event has concerned the fate of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, who seemingly sacrificed her time in the present-day in order to save the omniverse at the event s end. The pages of
Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1, which hit stores this week, showcase the next chapter in Diana Prince s story and it might not be what fans were expecting.
IMMORTAL WONDER WOMAN Team on Sending Diana into the Future
Future State is flinging our heroes out of their time and into… well, the future. As one of DC’s most iconic heroes, Diana Prince is of course playing a vital part. Her story is being told in
Immortal Wonder Woman alongside a brand new Nubia story from Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Jen Bartel, and Pat Brosseau. We chatted with the team, and have some exclusive art from the issue to boot! So prepare to get mythical with the minds behind
Immortal Wonder Woman.
DC Comics
Fan fave artist Bartel crafted Diana’s vibrant technicolor world of
Sensational Wonder Woman #1: Take a Look Inside Today s Digital-First Anthology
Wonder Woman 1984, DC launched
Sensational Wonder Woman, a new, digital-first anthology series designed to celebrate Wonder Woman s 80th anniversary. The series will tell dynamic, one-and-done stories designed to appeal to new readers who may not have a lot of understanding of the character s decades of backstory. The first issue, out now on ComiXology and other digital comics retailers, was written by Stephanie Phillips, with art by Meghan Hetrick, colors by Marissa Louise, and letters by Pat Brosseau. Yasmine Putri provided the cover. DC has provided ComicBook.com with a first look inside the issue, including the first three pages of story.