The Good Men Project
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Consequences of Unfair Police Treatment Go Far Beyond Initial Act
New research using a nationally representative sample of more than 12,000 participants shows the collateral consequences victims are likely to confront following unfair treatment from police.
By Bert Gambini-Buffalo
Michael Brown, George Floyd, and Tamir Rice are just some of those who have died recently at the hands of police.
Their names are now tragically familiar, but thousands of other people who law enforcement unjustly stop, search, or question will likely experience a range of detrimental outcomes associated with unfair police treatment, including depression, suicidal thoughts, drug use, and a loss of self-efficacy, says Christopher Dennison, assistant professor of sociology at the University
The Good Men Project
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We have pioneered the largest worldwide conversation about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century.
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Humpback Whales Change up Their Songs Like DJs
Humpback whales don’t change their songs through a process of cultural learning, a new study shows.
The findings contradict the widely accepted cultural transmission hypothesis that suggests whales learn their songs from other whales.
“It seems like that is not correct,” says Eduardo Mercado, a professor of psychology in the University at Buffalo. “Our findings indicate that neither cultural transmission nor social learning contributes significantly to how humpback whales change their songs over time.
University at Buffalo
Bronwyn Keenan, director, Arts Collaboratory
University at Buffalo
BUFFALO, N.Y. – The University at Buffalo Arts Collaboratory will launch a pioneering new incubator for artists across all disciplines on Feb. 27.
The first of three month-long programs will feature a distinguished visiting scholar in the Department of Art, followed by a multidisciplinary program from two nationally recognized local artists, and finally a visit from one of the world’s most respected painters, who for the first time in her career will work collaboratively with local artists on a public art piece.
“The Space Between” will serve as a hot house of expression, association and creative development that will also act as an inclusive bridge that can imaginatively link and draw from the collective history, culture and energy of Buffalo’s many diverse communities.