The Windsor Essex County Health Unit announced 228 new cases of COVID-19 in Windsor and Essex County on Sunday, bringing the local total to 9,673. Today’s
Long-term Care / Retirement Home Outbreaks
Harrow Woods Retirement Home (Harrow) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case (new today)
Seasons Retirement Home (Amherstburg) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case
Devonshire Retirement Residence (Windsor) has 4 resident cases and 0 staff cases
Iler Lodge (Essex) has 0 resident cases and 2 staff cases (1 new staff case)
Chartwell Royal Oak Kingsville (Kingsville) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case
Rosewood Erie Glen (Leamington) has 11 resident cases and 0 staff cases (2 new resident cases)
Chateau Park (Windsor) has 0 resident cases and 4 staff cases (1 new staff case)
Leamington Mennonite Home (Leamington) has 0 resident cases and 4 staff cases
Brouillette Manor (Windsor) has 0 resident cases and 2 staff cases
The Windsor Essex County Health Unit announced 170 new cases of COVID-19 in Windsor and Essex County on Wednesday, bringing the local total to 8,846.
Cases increased from 8,676 on Tuesday January 5th to 8,846 on Wednesday January 6th and 2,464 cases of COVID-19 are currently active in Windsor-Essex.
The Health Unit says 16 cases are outbreak-related, 6 cases are close contacts of confirmed cases, 2 cases are community acquired, and 146 cases are still being investigated.
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They say 6,195 people locally have recovered (an increase of 160 recoveries).
There have been seventeen new deaths from COVID-19 as of Wednesday bringing the local death toll to 187. The seventeen deaths are a new record daily number of COVID-19 deaths for Windsor Essex.
Long-term Care / Retirement Home Outbreaks
Devonshire Retirement Residence (Windsor) has 2 resident cases and 0 staff cases
Iler Lodge (Essex) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case
Chartwell Royal Oak Kingsville (Kingsville) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case
Rosewood Erie Glen (Leamington) has 1 resident case and 0 staff cases
Chateau Park (Windsor) has 0 resident cases and 3 staff cases
Leamington Mennonite Home (Leamington) has 0 resident cases and 3 staff cases
Riverside Place (Windsor) has 0 resident cases and 3 staff cases
Brouillette Manor (Windsor) has 0 resident cases and 1 staff case
Augustine Villas (Kingsville) has 7 resident cases and 2 staff cases
Sunrise Assisted Living of Windsor (Windsor) has 4 resident cases and 4 staff cases