Second Amendment Wins of the Week : 5/16/2021 -5/21/2021 Ammoland Inc. Posted on
Second Amendment Wins of the Week
USA – -( With so much happening for patriots these days. AmmoLand News wants to leave you with some highlights or wins on the battleground for 2A rights, and a few other patriot efforts,,, with our Friday round-up of Second Amendment Wins-of-the-Week.
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The Gun Buying Boom Means
Missouri Lawmakers
How a Gun Patent Attorney
South Carolina
“Under the law, CWP holders can openly carry a concealable weapon on them or in their motor vehicle unless there is signage explicitly stating otherwise.”
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
There’s been talk around Washington, D.C. for the past couple of weeks that David Chipman, the gun control activist nominated by Joe Biden to head up the agency where he served for more than two decades, could soon get a confirmation hearing in the Senate. We haven’t seen anything scheduled as of yet, but there are some signs that Democrats are inching forward towards a vote, including a new letter penned by 17 anti-gun AGs spinning Chipman’s record and pledging their support for his nomination.
“As the chief law and law enforcement officers in our respective states and territories, many of us regularly work with ATF to combat violent criminals and gun trafficking in our communities,” the attorneys general wrote.
Unregulated guns are being used in crimes in the Susquehanna Valley and across the country.Now, the U.S. Justice Department is working to close a loophole that allows people to buy these so-called ghost guns.Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro went to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to tell lawmakers that those guns are a growing threat. We know these kits can be fully functioning firearms in minutes. We know they re being used to kill people on the streets of our communities, and this body has the power to do something about it, Shapiro said.Shapiro made an impassioned plea to a Senate Judiciary subcommittee, urging lawmakers to curb the sale of ghost guns. These are untrackable, untraceable firearms built at home or sometimes on gun show tables. They lack serial numbers, he said.Shapiro and other law enforcement officers said the guns that can be purchased online – without a background check – are becoming the weapon of choice for criminals.Baltimore Police Commissio
Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro Testifies On Capitol Hill About Closing Loophole On Ghost Guns
CBS Pittsburgh 3 days ago Syndicated Local – CBS Pittsburgh
By: KDKA-TV News Staff
WASHINGTON D.C. (KDKA) Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is on Capitol Hill Tuesday, testifying in a hearing about his efforts to close legal loopholes to stop the sale of ghost guns.
Those are guns that can be made with unregulated kits, parts or 3D printers and don’t have serial numbers.
Shapiro said the kits can be assembled in minutes and called them the “emerging weapon of choice for criminals.”
“This is common sense. We know these kits can be fully functioning firearms in minutes. We know they’re being used to kill people on the streets of our communities. And this body has the power to do something about it,” Shapiro said.