Gloucestershire construction skills centre will build ‘rewarding long term careers’
The new AccXel construction skills training centre in the Forest of Dean ‘has the capacity to open doors to very rewarding long-term careers’, according to the new team chosen to bring the ambitious project to life.
From left to right, from the top: Natalie Bell, Ben Ramsay, Andy Bates, Peter White, Lindsey Young, Nicola Bird and Rob Jenkins.
Gloucestershire’s new near £2 million AccXel construction skills centre is being championed for its potential to create new jobs in the county by the steering committee appointed to drive it forward.
Lindsey Young, who has helped shape electrical contractor Clarkson Evans, one of the county’s biggest construction firms and training success stories, is one of those named as part of the new team.
When invited to create unique Christmas trees from cardboard, IKM-Manning Middle School students rose to the challenge — with a veritable forest of festive trees as well as a few