First Lady Jill Biden Visits Meriden School - Meriden, CT - First lady Jill Biden visited a Meriden elementary school with new U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, a city native and former teacher
08 02 2021
Dr Jill Biden is a wildly impressive woman. An English teacher at Northern Virginia Community College she earned a doctorate in education from the University of Delaware in 2007 and was the first Second Lady to continue to work a paying job. Now firmly in her spot as First Lady, it goes without saying that we can t wait to see where Dr Biden takes her role in the coming years.
Naturally with the position of First Lady comes an unparalleled level of attention. The masses will be clamouring to know what designers Dr Biden is wearing, who is doing her hair and yes, what skincare and make-up products she s favouring in the moment. Well, last week we got a sneak peek at her pre-shoot skincare routine and one brand in particular dominated proceedings.
Years ago, when I was back in Washington for a couple of years, writing a series for public television, I lived for a while on Capitol Hill, a couple of blocks behind the Supreme Court. In the morning when I went to work, I would walk to a nearby Metro subway station, look at the Capitol dome and sometimes stare across the Potomac to Virginia.
During the Civil War, I d think, the Confederacy was right there, just a mile or two away. So close, and yet they were never able to carry their flag onto Capitol Hill until this January 6, when rioters assailed the seat of government, some of them carrying the Stars and Bars, the banner of the Confederate States of America. Five were killed.