Real Housewives, New York’s
Tickets are selling for just $20+ booking fees for access to all three days, and Sydney and Melbourne residents will also score a $100 voucher from
Urban Company. (Sorry, folks, they’re currently only available in Syd and Melbs).
Urban Company offers a range of home cleaning and handyman services at super affordable prices. With these guys, you can pay per room, which means you can completely customise your booking! Just want your bedroom cleaned (housemates be damned)? It’ll set you back $15, or $22 for a deep clean of that bad boy. Bigger common areas like your lounge room or kitchen start at $19 and $25 respectively, so just imagine what $100 will get you?!
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2 Auē by Becky Manawatu (Mākaro Press, $35)
Imagining Decolonisation by Rebecca Kiddle, Bianca Elkington, Moana Jackson, Ocean Ripeka Mercier, Mike Ross, Jennie Smeaton and Amanda Thomas (BWB, $15)
Aroha: Māori wisdom for a contented life lived in harmony with our planet by Dr Hinemoa Elder (Penguin, $30)
“Some people mistake our customs as placing women in a secondary role. This is not the case. Women as the ‘whare tangata’, the house of people, the source of future generations, are revered in our culture. Practices where women sit behind men do not denigrate women. We are seen as extraordinarily precious, to be protected from harm. Our voices are the first voices heard on our marae. Our karanga into the spiritual realm, between women from the home people and the visiting group, sets the scene for the discussions … ”
2 Auē by Becky Manawatu (Mākaro Press, $35)
3 Aroha: Māori wisdom for a contented life lived in harmony with our planet by Dr Hinemoa Elder (Penguin, $30)
A beautiful little book containing 52 whakataukī – a proverb for every week of the year.
4 Imagining Decolonisation by Rebecca Kiddle, Bianca Elkington, Moana Jackson, Ocean Ripeka Mercier, Mike Ross, Jennie Smeaton and Amanda Thomas (Bridget Williams Books, $15)
6 Women Don’t Owe You Pretty by Florence Given (Cassell, $38)
They do not.
The Paris Review has published Roy’s introduction in full, including this snippet:
“Some of the essays in Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction. were written through the eyes of a novelist and the universe of her novels. Some of them are about how fiction joins the world and