The City of Estevan has provided an update on the closure of a portion of Fourth Street due to a water main replacement. Starting on May 25, Fourth Street between Souris Avenue South to Eight . . .
The City of Estevan has provided an update on the closure of a portion of Fourth Street due to a water main replacement. Starting on May 25, Fourth Street between Souris Avenue South to Eight . . .
Employees with the public works division with the City of Estevan have been busy with the traditional spring activities, and were recently part of the Operation Clean Sweep Clean-up Campaign. . . .
That stretch of road was last resurfaced in 2007. Undergrounds for most of the eastern half of Fourth Street were completed at that time, although the 800 and 900 blocks of Fourth Street were not. GenCo Asphalt was awarded the resurfacing tender for $1,167,000. The estimated cost of the watermain and services for the 800 and 900 blocks of Fourth Street is approximately $219,000. Thus the total roadway and watermain replacement expense is estimated to be $1,386,000. The Urban Highways Connector Program, offered through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, will supply $570,000, leaving the city to cover the remaining $816,000. The tender stipulates the resurfacing would begin July 5 and wrap up July 23.
In a report to council, information-technology manager James Lainton offered three options to council. The one that council opted for, which has no cost, sees Access supply the existing microphone system, audio switcher, camera and personnel to broadcast council meetings on Estevan’s AccessNow community channel. Access will provide the video file to the city if they want to post it on YouTube and the city’s website. Lainton noted that some cities have purchased a complete package for streaming meetings, including multiple fixed cameras, a switcher, microphones and audio mixers. They then subscribe to a dedicated service to broadcast the video live, while also recording it for future use.