A lack of precautions at some footy grounds
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April 8, 2021 12.02am
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Credit:Illustration: Andrew Dyson
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A lack of precautions at some footy grounds
I love the footy and have been a Carlton member for nearly 30 years, but I will not return to Marvel Stadium in the COVID-19 era. I booked seats with my sister and, both of us wearing masks and our QR codes checked, we were ready to enjoy a Carlton win on Sunday. We pictured the stadium’s roof open and fans socially distanced from each other, enjoying the warm Easter weather.
The Andrews governmentâs flagship Suburban Rail Loop project will not be a continuous line connecting Melbourneâs western and south-eastern suburbs, with commuters forced to change trains at least once to complete the 90-kilometre journey.
Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan confirmed on Monday the new Melbourne Airport station would feature an interchange and indicated passengers could also be required to change trains at other stations.
Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan, with her backbench colleagues and Nicole Stoddart from the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (far right), providing an update on the underground line at Clayton station.
Credit:Joe Armao
Heatherton the ‘best location’ for stabling
THE state government has defended a proposal to put train stabling on the former Delta landfill site in Heatherton.
Transport infrastructure minister Jacinta Allan says that the Heatherton site is “the best location for the stabling of Suburban Rail Loop trains. It minimises the compulsory acquisition of homes, businesses and parkland.”
“The Suburban Rail Loop will provide new transport connections, slash travel times and create jobs for residents of Kingston,” Ms Allan said. “The government will work closely with Kingston Council and residents to ensure that the Suburban Rail Loop project enables the chain of parks project to be delivered.”
Train stabling decision ‘devastated’ community
KINGSTON councillors have voted to “absolutely reject” the state government’s decision to put train stabling inside the Green Wedge in Heatherton.
Council had eyed off the former Delta landfill site for its Chain of Parks project. Late last year the state government announced that it was planning to use the land for stabling yards, prompting fury from councillors.
Councillors agreed to write to the state government to disapprove of its plans at their 27 January meeting.
The mayor Steve Staikos said “there needs to be a proper and meaningful consultation process with the residents. Our community were promised a new regional sporting facility as part of the Chain of Parks after decades of enduring sandmining and tipping, only to have it taken away for a proposed Suburban Rail Loop train stabling yard.”
These decisions belong with government bodies
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January 19, 2021 7.59am
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The Age, email letters@theage.com.au. Please include your home address and telephone number.
These decisions belong with government bodies
Why should a private corporation, such as Melbourne Airport, have the planning power to stop development because they don’t want curfews or pushback from resident groups (‘‘Airport chiefs eye flight path veto’’,
The Age, 18/1)?
Planning decisions should remain the responsibility of state and local government entities.
As for the reported 20 noise complaints a month, that it is a huge number, because once a resident has registered a noise complaint, their next complaint is not counted again, so this translates to at least 240 new complainants each year.