Burgess Owens might as well toss a torch into our democracy. He couldn t even wait until he was sworn in to start destroying the dream of the Founding Fathers. Their dream was simple: Every voice would be heard, and every vote would count.
But our new congressman is playing the part of a GOP cheerleader chasing the conspiracy bogeymen that have characterized the ignorance, confusion, and chaos of the Trump years. As most of the nation gasps at the outrages of the last days of this presidential administration, Owens is right there, swallowing and perpetuating its lies and attacking the sacred fundamentals of our democracy.
Christmas tree. That s right, you left-wing pagans, it s not the
holiday tree, is it? And we haven t been
holiday shopping, have we? No siree Bob. It s the goddamn
Christmas tree, you heathen bastards. You can be a Muslim or a Jew or an atheist, or a Hindu or a Buddhist, but it s Christmas, and it s a Christmas tree not a Buddha tree and not a Shiva tree. Rush Limbaugh said we re not going to stand by and watch this War on Christmas without assailing minorities. Santa is white. Jesus is white, and it s a White Christmas. People don t dream of a hedonist Christmas or a Muslim Christmas no, it s a White Christmas for white people. Now, if you happen to be a minority or one of these other types who don t have a personal relationship with Jesus, you can go ahead and Christmas shop anyway, on account of we are big-minded. But don t go around saying, happy holidays, and don t make our kids say happy holidays in school because we won t stand for it. You want war, you ll get war. I