Lebanon: Beirut Port Explosions Situation Report No. 16 (As of 20 January 2021)
Situation Reports are produced by OCHA Lebanon in collaboration with humanitarian partners. This Situation Report covers the month of December 2020, while also reflecting on the overall and cumulative response to the Beirut Port explosions. This Situation Report is the last one to be issued to cover the response to the Beirut Port explosions.
While the Lebanon Beirut Port explosions’ Flash Appeal formally ended on 31 December 2020, the implementation of some of its activities will continue into the first months of 2021. In parallel, recovery work will also continue under the World Bank Group (WBG), UN and European Union’s Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF).
NGOs, international aid support Lebanon, press for reform
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Bujar Hoxha (L), country director of CARE International in Lebanon, said he was inspired by how people came together to help each other in the wake of the Beirut port blast. Photo courtesy of Care International
Workers from the Nusaned NGO help with repairs after the Beirut blast. Photo courtesy of Nusaned
Workers from the Nusaned NGO help clean up the streets after the Beirut blast. Photo courtesy of Nusaned
Janine Njeim said she never would ve been able to fix her family s shattered apartment after the Beirut blast without the help of the Nusaned organization. Photo courtesy of Janine Njeim