Shares of Borosil Renewables, formerly known as Borosil Glass Works, surged 16 per cent on Tuesday and hit a fresh record high of Rs 182.60 on the BSE in an otherwise subdued market. In the past two trading days, the stock of the houseware manufacturer has zoomed 39 per cent as the government is set to levy duty at 9.71 per cent on textured tempered coated or uncoated glass imports (of which the company is the sole manufacturer in India) from Malaysia. Pursuant to application made by Gujarat Borosil Limited (Company amalgamated with our Company ie. Borosil Renewables Limited, under a Composite Scheme approved by NCLT) to the Directorate General of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, for imposition of Countervailing Duty on imports from Malaysia of Textured Tempered Coated or Uncoated Glass (of which the Company is the sole manufacturer in India). The designated authority has, vide their letter dated December 11, 2020, issued final findings for
Government of India to levy duty @ 9.71% on Textured Tempered Coated or Uncoated Glass imports from Malaysia
Posted On: 2020-12-14 03:58:04 (Time Zone: Arizona, USA)
Pursuant to application made by Gujarat Borosil Limited (Company amalgamated with the Company ie. Borosil Renewables Limited (Formerly Borosil Glass Works Limited), under a Composite Scheme approved by NCLT) to the Directorate General of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, for imposition of Countervailing Duty on imports from Malaysia of Textured Tempered Coated or Uncoated Glass (of which the Company is the sole manufacturer in India), the said Designated Authority has vide their letter dated December 11, 2020 issued Final Findings for imposition of Countervailing duty @ 9.71% of CIF value for a period of 5 years. The duty will be effective after the issuance of final customs notification by Ministry of Finance, Government of India in this regard in due course.