In the first four installments of this series on the diary of William Logan Rodman of New Bedford, Mass., I covered events between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the early months of the Civil War. Rodman s diary ends in June 1862, before his war service, but later that year he was commissioned major and then lieutenant colonel of the 38th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. He was killed at Port Hudson, La. on 27 May 1863.
In this final installment of the series, I d like to backtrack a little and look in detail at a few other fascinating subjects Rodman mentioned in his diary.
NEW BEDFORD – Imagine a time when stories of New Bedford and surrounding towns on the Southcoast were told not in newsprint, but in glossy magazine covers and pages. You’d find yourself going back 40 years when New Bedford Magazine launched its premiere issue.
New Bedford Magazine launches in 1981
A closeup of the New Bedford Whaling Museum s domed cupola on the cover announced the very first issue of New Bedford Magazine in spring 1981. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the magazine s founding.
Over the several years the magazine was in publication, the covers presented familiar local scenes like seagulls, fishing boats, harsh winter landscapes, art work, and landmarks like the New Bedford working waterfront or Battleship Cove in Fall River.
NEW BEDFORD Sixth-graders at the advanced level at Keith Middle School have teamed up with the New Bedford Whaling Museum in a pilot program to understand how sound waves travel through different media. They re able to bridge the connection of sound waves, said Misti Nordstrom, sixth-grade math and science teacher. For students to learn about frequency of waves, they re really surprised to learn that sound travels faster through water than air.
So far, Nordstrom said students are most excited about sperm whale communication and how whales use different clicking noises and patterns for different expressions. Some are for safety reasons, some to capture prey.