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Good Monday morning!
It looks like Gov. Murphy’s veto threat had an effect, at least in the Assembly, where yet another attempt at marijuana clean-up legislation is moving. And while it hasn’t advanced in the Senate, the path to such an attempt doesn’t look closed off.
This COVID vaccine mega-site is plagued with problems. Here’s what went wrong.
Updated Jan 30, 2021;
Posted Jan 30, 2021
A line forms at the new Gloucester County COVID-19 vaccination site in Sewell, N.J. on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021.
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Gloucester County officials say they have a track record of tackling big projects and delivering results. But, as a partner running one of the state’s six COVID vaccine mega-sites, the only one not attached to a healthcare system, the roll-out has been catastrophic. And that’s using the county’s words.
Residents throughout New Jersey, some of whom have driven across the state to get a coveted appointment, have been livid, enduring an exasperating saga of setbacks and stumbling blocks. First, it was the limited supply. Then, no way to schedule the crucial second appointment. And finally, yesterday’s nadir: double-booked appointments.
People who lost COVID vaccines because of double-bookings will get new dates, Murphy said
Updated Jan 29, 2021;
The problem caused the state to “cancel a number of appointments that were erroneously double-booked,” he said.
“We will work with those canceled on rescheduling their appointments at the nearest available time,” he said. “We regret the confusion this technical issue caused, and we are working with our vendor - and as you can imagine the conversations are spirited - to address the root cause and that this does not happen again.”
David Adinaro, the health department deputy commissioner, said they believed the booking issue was specific to the Gloucester site.