Heather Phillipson To Create Next Tate Britain Commission
Heather Phillipson (b.1978, London) will be the next artist to undertake the annual Tate Britain Commission. To be unveiled when the museum reopens, this major commission will be the latest response to the unique architecture and context of the neo-classical Duveen Galleries at the heart of Tate Britain.
Her work tackles pressing contemporary issues in singular and remarkable ways – Alex Farquharson
Audacious and disconcerting, Heather Phillipson’s expansive multimedia projects include video, sculpture, installation, music, poetry and digital media. Described by the artist as ‘quantum thought-experiments, her works often carry a sense of latent threat – a feeling that received ideas, images, and the systems that underpin them may be on the verge of collapse.
1. “
” at Pace Gallery, New York
If you, like me, have ever wanted to be able to articulate responses to Tara Donovan’s something-extraordinary-from-nothing-special installations that are fitter for intelligent company than, “WTF, how did she do this?!” then Wednesday afternoon presents a golden opportunity.
To provide the high-level context Donovan’s current solo show at Pace’s New York flagship (through March 6) deserves, the gallery will host an online panel discussion between Museum of Contemporary Art Denver curator Nora Abrams, University of Chicago professor and Smart Museum of Art adjunct curator Christine Mehring, and UC Santa Barbara art and architectural history professor Jenni Sorkin. Mark Beasley, curatorial director of Pace Live, will handle moderating duties. Join me on the path to enlightenment.