Two High Court challenges are under way against a Greenway planned for Co Kerry.The 32km South Kerry Greenway for cycling and pedestrians will run between Glenbeigh and Caherciveen, mainly along the
January 14, 2021 3:48 pm
When the news emerged this week that two legal challenges have been brought to the High Court in relation to the South Kerry Greenway, there were mixed reactions and emotions.
For a local representative, his was “disappointment and sadness” for those that had “big plans” as a result of An Bord Pleanála’s November decision to approve the controversial project, a 32km greenway stretching from Cahersiveen to Glenbeigh.
The greenway project was first proposed in 2011 and after failing to reach agreement with landowners, the local authority decided to acquire 115ac of land by compulsory purchase order (CPO). An Bord Pleanála confirmed the CPO with some modifications.
A Kerry county councillor believes the South Kerry Greenway project will survive legal challenges. Yesterday, two separate legal proceedings were brought before the High Court in relation to the decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant permission to Kerry County Council for the greenway and accompanying Compulsory Purchase Order for the lands needed. The cases […]
High Court challenges brought against proposed South Kerry Greenway
The actions relate to the proposed 32km South Kerry Greenway, between from Glenbeigh to Caherciveen. By Aodhan O Faolain Wednesday 13 Jan 2021, 4:30 PM Jan 13th 2021, 4:30 PM 27,526 Views 31 Comments
TWO HIGH COURT challenges have been commenced against a proposed cycling and pedestrian ‘Greenway’ in Co Kerry.
The actions relate to the proposed 32km South Kerry Greenway, between from Glenbeigh to Caherciveen, will run mainly along the former disused Southern and Western Railway which operated from 1892 to 1960.
In the first action local farmer James Clifford and environmental activist Peter Sweetman are seeking permission to challenge An Bord Pleanála’s decision of 10 November to approve Kerry Co Co