Bonnie Glaser s Testimony: Chinese Maritime Coercion in East Asia: What Tools Can be Used to Respond?
May 13, 2021
On April 29, 2021, Director of GMF’s Asia Program Bonnie Glaser testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, and the House Committee on Armed Services subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces on “Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.”
Chairmen Bera and Courtney, Ranking Members Chabot and Wittman, distinguished members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, and the House Committee on Armed Services subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, thank you for the opportunity today to testify at this joint hearing on “Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.”
May 12, 2021
Domestic helpers gather in Central on their day off on Sunday.
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong s domestic workers say the government is unfairly forcing them to take a Covid-19 vaccine or else face the risk of undergoing repeated mandatory testing after authorities suddenly ordered them to be screened again.
Although Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor revealed on Tuesday (May 11) she was dropping her plan to require that the city s roughly 370,000 helpers be inoculated, she said they must be tested for a second time by the end of the month, despite a first round uncovering just three coronavirus cases.
Hong Kong has scrapped a plan to make coronavirus vaccines mandatory for foreign domestic workers after the Philippines and labour groups criticised the proposal as discriminatory.
Still, Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, on Tuesday ordered another round of mandatory testing for all foreign domestic helpers as a “precaution” against more infectious variants of the coronavirus.
Hong Kong health officials announced the mandatory vaccination plan and testing of all domestic workers last month after two workers tested positive for a more virulent strain of the coronavirus.
Authorities said domestic workers were “high risk” because they often work with the elderly and meet in parks on Sundays, usually their one day off a week, and said that those wanting to apply for work visas – or renew their current ones – would need to show they had received two doses of the COVID-19 jab.
Hong Kong won t mandate Covid vaccine for foreign domestic workers
Most of Hong Kong’s approximately 370,000 domestic workers come from Indonesia and the Philippines, both severely impacted by the pandemic.
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Domestic helpers from the Philippines line up at the temporary testing center for COVID-19, in Hong Kong. (Photo | AP) By Associated Press
HONG KONG: Hong Kong officials dropped a plan to mandate foreign domestic workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus, after hearing international criticism the move would be discriminatory.
Most of Hong Kong’s approximately 370,000 domestic workers come from Indonesia and the Philippines, both severely impacted by the pandemic.
Hong Kong won t mandate vaccine for foreign domestic workers
May 10, 2021
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1of11In this Saturday, May 1, 2021, photo, domestic helpers from the Philippines line up at the temporary testing center for COVID-19, in Hong Kong. Hong Kong officials have dropped a plan to make it mandatory for foreign domestic workers to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, after the move drew criticism that it was discriminatory.Kin Cheung/APShow MoreShow Less
2of11In this Saturday, May 1, 2021, photo, domestic helpers from the Philippines line up at the temporary testing center for COVID-19, in Hong Kong. Hong Kong officials have dropped a plan to make it mandatory for foreign domestic workers to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, after the move drew criticism that it was discriminatory.Kin Cheung/APShow MoreShow Less