Bengaluru-based Mercy Mission has brought together 25 NGOs with around 400 volunteers, to tackle different challenges relating to the pandemic. No task is ever cumbersome for the relentless volunteers.
This is to encourage all companies to embrace the transformative power of corporate giving Badr Jafar, CEO, Crescent Enterprises Image Credit: Supplied
The World Economic Forum Jobs Reset Summit brought together world leaders and top business executives to collaborate on shaping a fair, inclusive, green socio-economic COVID-19 recovery. In 2020, the global workforce lost an equivalent of 255 million full-time jobs, $3.7 trillion in wages and 4.4% of global GDP. While the growth outlook is expected in improve, a fair socio-economic recovery is not guaranteed.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum’s Jobs Reset Summit on Tuesday, Crescent Enterprises CEO Badr Jafar has called for the creation of a Gulf Corporate Philanthropy Network to encourage all businesses to embrace the transformative power of strategic corporate giving, as businesses across the region and the world play a leadership role in the post-pandemic economic recovery.
The second World Economic Forum Jobs Reset Summit saw over 500 leaders convene to shape a new agenda for growth, jobs, skills and equity - IIPP Director Mazzucato joined a must watch session on Building Back Broader
Badr Jafar , CEO, Crescent Enterprises has called for the creation of a Gulf Corporate Philanthropy Network to encourage all businesses to embrace the transformative power