Calls for refurbishment to allow for Offaly gaelscoil move
The proposed location for Gaelscoil na Laochra is the upper level of the former convent along Wilmer Road in Birr );
Calls were made on the Health Service Executive to work with the Department of Education to redevelop and refurbish the home of the Birr Mental Health Services in order to allow the town s gaelscoil to move to their new home along Wilmer Road, Birr.
Speaking at the February meeting of Birr Municipal District, Cllr John Carroll took the opportunity to raise the issue with the HSE officials as it has been mooted that Birr Mental Services is earmarked to move into the new Birr PCC when it is developed and vacating their premises in Wilmer Road.
The condition of the footpaths in some areas of the county was raised with Council officials recently. Speaking at the January meeting of Birr Municipal Distric.
Primary Care Centre for Offaly town now earmarked for 2023
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It looks like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel with the news that Birr could finally have its primary care centre by 2023.
While it s also expected, there ll be some further news in the near future about how and where this project will be delivered in Birr after the procurement process was “unpaused” by the HSE.
Over the last number of years, there has been growing frustration and anger amongst the people of Birr with the HSE because of what some have described as the organisation s inability to push the project over the line in recent times.
Frustration in Offaly village with unfinished work with no real end in sight
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According to one local councillor, an element of frustration is being felt within the local community in Kinnitty where people were being left dealing with cones and barriers since last June after works, under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme stalled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Speaking at the recent monthly meeting of Birr Municipal District, Cllr John Clendennen raised the issue with council officials.
“We thought we had learnt from the first town and village renewal project. We seem to be making the same mistakes again where accesses are being blocked.
Significant funding allocated for works on major roads in Offaly
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A signifigant funding allocation was granted for works along both the N62 and N52 recently.
Speaking at the January meeting of Birr Municipal District, John Mitchell, Senior Executive Engineer, confirmed that €250,000 was allocated over Christmas to carry out works north of Derrinlough while a further €450,000 was also allocated for works to be carried out at Ballinacard, north of Birr, along the Tullamore Road.
Regarding the proposed works, Cllr John Carroll asked whether the works would be similar to what was carried out on the Ferbane side of Cloghan.