Two people had allergic COVID-19 jab reactions in WA, officials said Wednesday
They were given a shot of adrenaline and recovered shortly afterwards
One person was given the Pfizer vaccine and the other the AstraZeneca product
TGA is reviewing number of reports of allergic reactions to see if unusually high
Four people in Queensland had allergic reactions to jab earlier this week
No new Queensland cases reported following PA Hospital scare
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Queensland recorded no new local COVID-19 cases overnight on Sunday, after the infectious UK strain spread outside a quarantine hotel last week.
The first patient, believed to be a super-spreader, infected a doctor at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and another guest who was staying on the same floor of Brisbane’s Hotel Grand Chancellor.
A doctor at the Princess Alexandra Hospital was infected with COVID-19 last week.
Credit:Bradley Kanaris
Acting Queensland Chief Health Officer Sonya Bennett said genomic testing confirmed the cases were linked and CCTV would be reviewed to see how the virus was transmitted inside the hotel.
Queensland has one new case of COVID-19, but it is likely historical and not connected to the case of a doctor at Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital who tested positive, the state's health authorities say.