Jason Knauf repeatedly spoke to Meghan s estranged father Thomas Markle, his lawyers said in a letter
Duchess of Sussex s former communications secretary is also said to have directly contacted media firms
He advised that a reference to Mr Markle s ill-health be included in a letter sent by Meghan to her father
But Mr Knauf did not suggest any specific wording and did not draft letter to Mr Markle, his lawyers said
It comes despite Meghan claiming palace failed to protect her and were willing to lie to protect other royals
Meghan Markle wins last copyright claim against UK tabloid over letter to father
Thursday May 06, 2021
Meghan Markle has now won every part of her legal claim against the Mail on Sunday
A British court on Wednesday upheld Meghan Markle s copyright claim against Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday and
MailOnline, over its publication of a letter to her father.
The ruling by judge Mark Warby means the Duchess of Sussex, as Markle is formally known, has now won every part of her legal claim against the newspaper group, which published a handwritten letter she wrote to her father Thomas Markle.
By Press Association 2021
The Duchess of Sussex’s former communications secretary “led extensive efforts” to defend her reputation and “protect her father from media intrusion”, according to a letter sent to the Mail On Sunday’s lawyers.
Jason Knauf “repeatedly” spoke to Meghan’s estranged father Thomas Markle and directly contacted media organisations to “object to intrusions into Mr Markle’s privacy” from 2016, his lawyers said in a letter last month.
Mr Knauf also advised that “a reference to Mr Markle’s ill-health be included” in a letter sent by the duchess to her father in August 2018, which his solicitors described as “only a very minor suggestion”.
Meghan Markle Wins Additional Copyright Claim Against U.K. Tabloid Over Letter to Her Father
In other news, the Duchess of Sussex is accused of plagiarizing British author Corrinne Averiss and Gabriel Alborozo s 2018 book titled The Boy on the Bench for her yet-to-be released children s book The Bench . May 6, 2021
AceShowbiz -
Meghan Markle once again came victorious in her legal battle against Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday and Mail Online. According to a new report, the Duchess of Sussex won the last round of copyright claims over her personal letter to her father Thomas Markle.