Rotarians deliver dictionaries to third graders December 10th, 2020
DICTIONARY DELIVERY Rotarians Elizabeth Gemme (left), Erin Nelson and Aaron Hagan deliver Dictionaries to Songo Locks Elementary in Naples, Stevens Brook Elementary in Bridgton and Dodge School in Bridgton.
Rotarians Elizabeth Gemme and Erin Nelson of Norway Savings Bank in Naples and Bridgton, Aaron Hagan of Key Bank in Bridgton and George Klauber, past president of the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club, delivered dictionaries to Songo Locks Elementary School, the Stevens Brook Elementary School and the Dodge School on Tuesday, Nov. 24.
In the past 10 years, over 2,500 dictionaries have been distributed to third graders by the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club. Unlike previous years, Rotarians were unable to hand the dictionaries to the students directly, but the youngsters will have an opportunity to enjoy their very own dictionary, nonetheless.