ALBANY â The New York State Department of Public Service (Department), recently announced Charter Communications, Inc., conducting business as Spectrum, has agreed to remove 1,241 ineligible addresses that Charter had claimed toward meeting its 145,000 passings requirement, and to refund 100 customers who paid a connection fee, or else remove those addresses as well.
âInternet service is critical for families and businesses during these difficult times, so we must get broadband coverage to where itâs needed,â Department CEO John B. Rhodes remarked.
âOur staff is scrutinizing Spectrumâs compliance reports and performing field audits of their ongoing network expansion to ensure every address is eligible to count towards its regulatory obligation to serve an additional 145,000 homes and businesses in Upstate New York. If addresses are ineligible, they will be removed from the buildout plan making it possible for eligible unserved premises to be added, Rh