Death of Marielle de Sarnez - Communiqué from the French Presidency (Elysée Palace, 14 Jan. 2021) Share
For more than 40 years, she was the architect of the French political centre that she helped organize and compile under a new movement, launched in 2008 with François Bayrou. Vice President of the Democratic Movement Party or MoDem, Marielle de Sarnez, has died today at the age of 69.
Marielle de Sarnez, then Minister for European Affairs, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign affairs, with Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign affairs.
Photo: Frédéric de la Mure / MEAE
Faithful to the culture of political engagement of her father, a resistance fighter who became a UDR Deputy, but rebel to the Gaullist political background of her family, Marielle de Sarnez already began to take part in the political events of her time at 17, occupying the Lycée Jean-Baptiste Say in May of 1968 with other like-minded students. In the eyes of a young women who gre