Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton A WANTED vandalism suspect was arrested a month after he failed to show up to court. Shouidur Rahman, 33, was charged with causing criminal damage using a car key to vehicles in Portslade. After his arrest and charge in September he was due to appear before Brighton Magistrates’ Court on November 27. He failed to do so, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Police received a telephone tip-off after an appeal was made, and Rahman faces court this month.
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A man who drove dangerously at speed on main roads around East Sussex has been jailed.
Tuesday, 22nd December 2020, 3:06 pm
Luke Vicarey, 23, was first seen around 7.15am on Friday, November 20, by an officer carrying out speed checks in Cooden Drive, Bexhill.
Vicarey was recorded driving at 42mph in a 30mph zone but when the officer signalled for him to pull over so words of advice could be given, he made off at speeds of 70mph, police said.
The officer lost sight of the vehicle and began an area search along Herbrand Walk and Sluice Lane. It sighted the car again at the Wallsend roundabout and signalled for it to stop.
POLICE have arrested and charged a man with raping a woman. Sam Kesete will face a trial over two counts of rape against a 21-year-old woman at an address near The Level in Brighton on November 28, during the second national lockdown. The 21-year-old, of Canterbury Drive, Brighton, has also been charged with sexual assault against an 18-year-old woman in Kings Road Arches on the seafront on September 18. Kesete was arrested over the weekend and appeared at Brighton Magistrates Court on Monday. He has been remanded in custody and will appear at Lewes Crown Court on January 11.
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I couldn’t see any form of Ad-Lib feeder or hay on the ground. Both Magic, belonging to Stevens, and Lexi, a bay mare belonging to Stephens were extremely thin and their bony protrusions were clearly visible. A vet attended and confirmed both horses were in a suffering condition to the extent that they were in an emaciated state. The horses were seized by police and removed to a private boarding facility to begin their recovery. As Magic was led out of the unkempt field, the hungry horse dragged his rescuers to a nearby patch of grass so he could eat.
A thief was caught after his blood was found at a business he had burgled in London Road, St Leonards A THIEF was tracked down by police after his blood was found on the window ledge of a burgled business. Officers were flagged down by a member of the public in London Road, St Leonards, on November 16 after a business in the road was broken into. They found the windows had been smashed and several watches were missing from the store. A specialist crime scene investigation team was called in, and members were able to find some blots of blood on a window ledge.