Its recent decision will need approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Timothy Mottet, president of CSU Pueblo, spoke with The Pueblo Chieftain about how he and the board of governors came to the decision to require vaccinations.
Conversations about whether to require people on campus to get the vaccine have been ongoing among higher education leaders across Colorado, Mottet said. Collectively, through consultation with medical schools and professionals, they made the decision to take it to our board of governors, he said.
Being that students already need to be vaccinated for things like measles in order to attend the university, Mottet along with CSU system chancellor Tony Frank believed it was best to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list.
True West Magazine
“Doc Holliday is ten feet tall and weighs a ton.”
J.J. Webb at the Old Town Las Vegas Jail, 1880
This photo first came to our attention when it appeared in Frederick Nolan’s book The West of Billy the Kid. Nolan published it, in part, because the Kid spent time in this jail in December 1880, when Pat Garrett escorted him and members of his gang to Santa Fe. Recently some historians have speculated that Holliday is in the photograph, to the right of Webb (in shackles).
True West Archives
The first time we saw this historical group photo taken in Las Vegas, New Mexico Territory, was in 1998 in Frederick Nolan’s book
The Pueblo Chieftain
Regarding the May 5, 2021, Pueblo Chieftain news story, “Bond committee blindsided by Pueblo D60’s decision to build new school,” Puebloans may recall that the D60 school board voted in 2019 to close Heroes Academy, but not replace it, in connection with development of the 2019 school bond proposal and bond projects school construction and repairs list.
It was with surprise, then, that the Citizens’ Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) and the rest of the public only learned through a news story that in a single March meeting the school board both received and approved a proposal to use $30 million in bond revenues to construct a new, considerably larger student capacity K-8 school to replace on-site the under-performing and under-capacity K-8 Heroes Academy.
Bond committee blindsided by Pueblo D60 s decision to build new school
Board of Education members of the board were presented with the design of the new school and later approved it that night. This was the first time the district ever informed the community about the project.
The Pueblo Chieftain was recently told that D60 s Citizens Bond Advisory Committee (CBAC) was never informed in advance about the district wanting to build a new K-8 school, and was not allowed to give input.
The committee, which consists of seven members from the Pueblo community, was created in 2019 after voters approved the district s bond initiative.