The simple yet incredibly effective way to generate term-deposit busting income from just one quoted ASX fund
Bruce Jackson | March 4, 2021 5:51pm |
More on: Image source: Getty Images
With the RBA cash rate set at just 0.10%, and according to RBA governor Philip Lowe, staying at that low level until 2024 at the earliest, earning a decent income from bank term deposits is impossible.
I am routinely asked for alternative investment opportunities to letting your money effectively rot in the bank.
I’m a stock market person, so will focus on using shares and funds as an alternative.
There are other alternatives, including investment properties, although I will note, like shares, they do involve a level of risk, including debt financing, vacant rental periods, rates, insurance, maintenance costs, not forgetting house prices can go down as well as up!
Top fund manager names these 2 ASX shares as buys
Tristan Harrison | February 18, 2021 7:10am |
More on: Image source: Getty Images
High-performing fund manager Wilson Asset Management (WAM) has revealed two ASX shares that it rates as buys within the
WAM Research Limited (ASX: WAX) portfolio.
WAM operates several listed investment companies (LICs). Two of those LICs are
WAM Capital Limited (ASX: WAM) and
One of the LICs is called WAM Research, which looks at smaller businesses on the ASX.
WAM describes WAM Research as a LIC that invests in the most compelling undervalued growth opportunities in the Australian market.
The WAM Research portfolio has delivered gross returns (that’s before fees, expenses and taxes) of 15.7% per annum since the strategy changed in July 2010, which is superior to the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of 8.9% per annum.
Wilson Asset Management (WAM) thinks these 2 ASX shares are a buy
Tristan Harrison | February 13, 2021 11:52am |
More on: Image source: Getty Images
Respected fund manager Wilson Asset Management (WAM) has recently identified two ASX shares that it owns in its portfolio.
WAM operates several listed investment companies (LICs). Some focus on larger companies like
WAM Leaders Ltd (ASX: WLE) and
There’s also one called
WAM Capital Limited (ASX: WAM) which targets “the most compelling undervalued growth opportunities in the Australian market.”
The WAM Capital portfolio has delivered an investment return of 16.3% per annum since inception in August 1999, before fees, expenses and taxes. This gross return outperformed the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of 8.3% per annum over the same timeframe.
Japan's Kirin Holdings said on Thursday it was undecided on the future of its Myanmar beer business after a third-party probe into its local partner's military connections ended with inconclusive results.