According to officials, an estimated 20 lakh to 22 lakh children across the country, under the age of one, are targeted for vaccination under national programmes every month which translates into approximately 260 lakh children per year.
Leading consultancy BCG said in the report on Wednesday that the revenue opportunity in India, which has a population of 130 crore people, was pegged at being up to ten times higher than that of rest of South East Asia.
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MUMBAI: The state Covid taskforce and the newly constituted paediatric taskforce have jointly appealed to the state government to immunise every child with the influenza vaccine ahead of monsoon. At a meeting held on Sunday, doctors from both groups told CM Uddhav Thackeray that administering the influenza vaccine would help curb the incidence of this disease, which in turn will help decongest hospitals and prevent unnecessary testing.
While the influenza shot that contains two subtypes of influenza A and two lineages of influenza B is widely available in market, it is not a part of the vaccines given under the national immunisation programme. The vaccine costs Rs 1,500-Rs2,000 for a single shot.
While the influenza shot that contains two subtypes of influenza A and two lineages of influenza B is widely available in market, it is not a part of the vaccines given under the national immunisation programme. The vaccine costs Rs 1,500-Rs2,000 for a single shot.