Former Kambala student Chanel Contos, 22, launched a petition last Thursday
An explosion of thousands of ex students told their rape and assault stories
Most assaults took place when the victim was too drunk to consent, or asleep
Many private schoolgirls were raped by their boyfriends or close male friends
Ms Contos believes single-sex education is a massive part of the problem
St Catherine’s principal Dr Julie Townsend wrote to her school community on Saturday after a petition unveiled hundreds of former Sydney schoolgirls’ allegations of rape at the hands of their male peers.
A national quarantine bubble for boarding school students has been proposed as expats have told of their anguish at sending their children back to Australia to undergo hotel quarantine unaccompanied before school begins.
The Sydney Morning H
eraldrevealed this week that NSW Health has overhauled its policies so that unaccompanied minors returning to Australia must go into hotel quarantine rather than self-isolate at a private residence, due to the risk posed by new mutant strains of COVID-19.
Boarding students from St Ignatius College in Riverview are being sent care packages in quarantine.
Credit:Dominic Lorrimer
NSW Health strongly encourages parents or guardians to voluntarily complete hotel quarantine with the children but that is not an option for many expats who live overseas and send their children to boarding school in Australia.
Lockdown podcast Armchair Adventures to continue thanks to extra funding Date published: 16 December 2020
The Armchair Adventures podcast project was conceived during the first lockdown back in March, in partnership with over-55s theatre group Hearts & Minds
Theatre group Made by Mortals, which works with communities in Oldham, has been awarded £15,000 from Arts Council England to carry on creating its interactive lockdown podcast, Armchair Adventures.
The funding has enabled them to commission three playwrights, as well as four professional musicians.
The Armchair Adventures podcast project was conceived during the first lockdown back in March, in partnership with over-55s theatre group Hearts & Minds.