When we did the proclamation for the first time.people shared Facebook photos, said Snow. Immediately, people complained that there were flags on the center for the arts.
Snow said a threatening phone call to the arts center filled many LGBTQ residents and their family and friends with trepidation.
A symbol of acceptance
In September 2019, the board, after debate, adopted a policy to allow only governmental flags to be displayed at municipal sites.
Although the policy change followed the threat, Snow said he understands the policy change did not result from the alleged threat, or complaints about Pride flags.
Resident Milo Ransdell said, The year you put [the flag] at the high school, it made me feel so accepted and loved.again, just to build up what Patrick said, I m not calling anyone a bigot, or a homophobe.Chelmsford is normally a very accepting place.
Wicked Local
CHELMSFORD The town may face a proposed multi-family development for the former West Campus property, according to Town Manager Paul Cohen.
Cohen said he expects property developer Trammell Crow Residential will present details at a joint Select Board and Planning Board meeting.
The meeting, originally set for April 29, has been moved to May 13, 7 p.m.
The developer sent informational flyers to neighbors, noting developments in Billerica and in Wrentham.
Latest proposal
The property, once part of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, consists of about 34 acres and is located at 255 Princeton St. in North Chelmsford, near the Chelmsford and Lowell line.
HPE Takes Aim At Apex, ‘Welcomes’ Dell To As-A-Service Market
‘While HPE welcomes Dell’s entry into the as-a-service market, HPE made the pivot to address this customer need three plus years ago and has been delivering on this vision,’ says HPE Senior President and General Manager of the GreenLake Business Keith White in a prepared statement. By Steven Burke May 05, 2021, 07:24 PM EDT
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Wednesday took aim at Dell Technologies’ ambitious Project Apex launch, welcoming the $94 billion enterprise powerhouse to the pay-per-use on-premises cloud services market.
“We’re glad other vendors are recognizing the customer need for an as-a-service model to help accelerate digital transformation,” said HPE Senior President and General Manager of the GreenLake Business Keith White in a prepared statement. “While HPE welcomes Dell’s entry into the as-a-service market, HPE made the pivot to address this customer