Arjun Kapoor paired the outfit together for cousin Shanaya Kapoor, who posted the pretty picture on her social media. Check out the young starlet’s post.
EXCLUSIVE: Yash in talks with ’83 producer Vishnu Induri for a Pan India film after KGF 2
After KGF 2, is Yash going to turn a producer? Read details on his future plan of action towards the end of this year. Written By
Himesh Mankad 161507 reads Mumbai Updated: March 5, 2021 12:48 pm EXCLUSIVE: Yash in talks with ’83 producer Vishnu Induri for a Pan India film after KGF 2 (A still from KGF)
The 2018 Christmas release, KGF proved to be a big money spinner in the southern markets and also proved to be a successful venture in the Hindi belts despite a clash. The reruns of the Hindi dubbed version on TV made the film even bigger and the sequel, KGF 2 is now keenly awaited by the trade and audience alike. The first part also played a major role in positioning the leading man, Yash, as an actor who commands a Pan Indian appeal, and everyone is now awaiting to see him take things a notch higher with KGF 2, which is gearin
Hollywood Critics Association will be presenting Justice League director Zack Synder with a Valiant award. The ceremony will be held virtually on the 5th of March.