Sex-assault victim’s breaking of publication ban results in calls for legal, policy changes Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account
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Judge Colin Westman, formerly of the Ontario Court of Justice in Kitchener, displays a relevant section of the Criminal Code of Canada while speaking with the Globe and Mail on Dec. 11, 2013 about his criticisms of the victim surcharge system used in Canada. He said he was shocked and disappointed by the recent case that charged the victim for breaking a publication ban.
The Globe and Mail Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account
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Carolina Andrade/The Globe and Mail
Not one province in Canada mandates teaching students about sex trafficking, even though schools are prime targets for perpetrators.
Across the country, provincial efforts to teach students about sex trafficking are inconsistent. The Globe and Mail surveyed all provinces and territories to better understand what students learn about the issue in school. Most said their curriculums do not specifically name “sex trafficking” as an issue to be addressed in their schools. No province guarantees through education
Women s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region asking you to go #CountryForCampbell
It s in honour of the late Jennifer Campbell; longtime host on Country 106.7 and community champion
Feb 10, 2021 6:45 PM By: Tim Herd
It has been a difficult week for many across Waterloo Region. On February 6, longtime
Country 106.7 morning show host Jennifer Campbell passed away peacefully after a heroic battle with cancer.
Throughout her time on-air, Jennifer was involved with many community organizations, including Women s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region who have organized #CountryForCampbell on Friday. A small group of us from Women s Crisis Services put our heads together and thought, What was a way we could honour Jenn? And of course it s got to be fun, it has to be country, so we came up with #CountryForCampbell, said Jennifer Hutton, CEO of Women s Crisis Services Waterloo Region. What we re doing is asking everyone to pull out any