Credit In early 20th Century New Orleans Place Congo was a multi-cultural gathering spot, as we ll hear tonight with Henry Gilbert s impression,
The Dance in Place Congo. Tune in at 8 pm on 91.1 and 107.5 FM and our music stream.
Credit 18th Century composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier litterally wrote the book on how to play the flute. We ll enjoy one of his concerts for five flutes during our morning music beginning at 9 am on 91.1 and 107.5 FM and our music stream.
Credit As a vegetarian and advocate for animal welfare, Johnny Appleseed would have felt totally at home in today s world. Tonight you can enjoy Mark O Connor s folksy tribute to him. Tune in at 8 pm on 91.1 and 107.5 FM and our music stream.
Credit With Europe opening its doors to Americans again, you might be planning your vacation. During our morning music Eric Coates shows us around London. Tune in on 91.1 and 107.5 FM and our music stream.