CutisCare, LLC, a privately held wound care and hyperbaric management company committed to being a resource to hospitals and providers by providing the highest quality wound care services available through a network of clinics, today announced the expansion of its Medical Advisory Board and welcomed a new member to their Medical Advisory Board. The Medical Advisory Board has been further strengthened with the appointment of Bob Bartlett, MD. He joins current board members Dr. Juan Bravo (Chairman) and Dr. Louis Pilati.
Native Americans Finally Have a Cabinet Nominee. Will an Adopted Tlingit Take Her Down?
With the GOP digging in against Deb Haaland as Interior secretary, Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski faces a choice between her party and a powerful constituency that’s come to trust her.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
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Julian Brave NoiseCat is vice president of policy and strategy with Data for Progress; narrative change director of the Natural History Museum; and a fellow of the Type Media Center, NDN Collective, and the Center for Humans and Nature.
When Congress considers Joe Biden’s nominee for Interior secretary this week, Joe Williams Jr. will be following the proceedings closely from Saxman, Alaska. Committee hearings aren’t usually on the radar in this small town more than 3,000 miles from Washington, D.C.; this time of year, its 353 residents are typically paying more attention to the sea lions passing through. And Williams, a retired, 76-year-old, conservative born-again
The Quest for the North Pole, Episode 5: Meet Peary and Henson Kat Long
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It’s summer, 1895, in the northernmost reaches of Greenland. The temperature hovers around freezing. American explorer Robert E. Peary and his assistant Matthew Henson are on a backbreaking journey by dogsled across the ice cap, from Independence Bay, a large fjord on Greenland’s northeastern corner, to their base camp at Bowdoin Bay on the west coast. They’re nearly out of food, and they’re desperately searching for a herd of musk ox to stave off their deaths by starvation.
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It’s summer, 1895, in the northernmost reaches of Greenland. The temperature hovers around freezing. American explorer Robert E. Peary and his assistant Matthew Henson are on a backbreaking journey by dogsled across the ice cap, from Independence Bay, a large fjord on Greenland’s northeastern corner, to their base camp at Bowdoin Bay on the west coast. They’re nearly out of food, and they’re desperately searching for a herd of musk ox to stave off their deaths by starvation.
The animals they’re stalking weigh up to 800 pounds and are built like battering rams, with a coat of shaggy hair and sharp, curved horns. Musk ox are powerful and unpredictable, and they’re Peary’s and Henson’s last hope for survival. All day, they look for snags of the oxen’s hair on rough rocks and scan the snow for tracks. Finally, they locate hoofprints and follow them across a valley, anticipating fresh meat.
The ANWR fight continues across generations Author: Michael Carey Published January 27
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Print article If celebrity means getting in the news and staying in the news, as wags have cracked, the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge has achieved celebrity. ANWR has been in the news since the 1950s, when Alaska and stateside environmentalists began lobbying for a wildlife reserve extending from the Brooks Range north to arctic salt water. The environmentalists’ lobbying was successful with the creation of the Arctic National Wildlife Range in early 1960, the waning days of the Eisenhower administration. The range was about half the size of the 18-million-acre refuge the range became part of in 1980 during the Carter administration. In Dwight D. Eisenhower’s day, there actually were Republican environmentalists, some moneyed eastern sportsmen who, If 60 years old or more in 1960, might have met Teddy Roosevelt, the president who brought environmental stewardshi