Dec 18, 2020
SLEEPY EYE The Sleepy Eye City Council unanimously approved a resolution declaring the Sleepy Eye Community Center as the official 2021 polling place Thursday.
Action at the special meeting came on a motion by Councilor Gary Windschitl, seconded by Doug Pelzel.
Sleepy Eye City Manager Bob Elston said there will not be a 2021 election in Sleepy Eye unless a special election is approved.
The Sleepy Eye Finance Committee met afterwards, considering two real estate offers and reviewed city personnel policy handbook revisions.
Mayor Wayne Pelzel thanked Elston and City Attorney Alissa Groen for their extensive personnel policy work. Elston thanked everyone for being a part of the meeting.
The Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch
Congratulations to Christina Andres and Scott Krzmarzick who were elected to the City Council in November. I look forward to working with them as they bring their ideas for the City’s consideration. They will assume their seats in January.
The Holiday Lights in Motion group have done an excellent job decorating Sportsmen’s Park. It truly is a Christmas spectacular. Thanks to all the committee members and all the volunteers who put in hundreds of hours to make the park come alive with color. Your actions help to make Sleepy Eye a destination. The home decorations also seem more spectacular than ever. It’s a joy to see.
2021 Sleepy Eye city budget approved at Dec. 8 city council meeting
The Sleepy Eye City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday night, Dec. 8.
The first item on the agenda was the annual Truth in Taxation hearing to present the 2021 budget prior to council final approval. City Manager Bob Elston said there were no changes from the preliminary budget the council approved in September.
The final budget reflects a spending increase of 2.31% and a tax levy increase of 6%. Elston said the difference is due to a projection that Local Government Aid (LGA) revenue that comes from the state will likely be reduced. He budgeted for a possible LGA reduction of $50,000.