Phuket moves to help vulnerable families, children
Phuket moves to help vulnerable families, children
PHUKET: A total of 320 families with young children in Phuket and nearby provinces considered to be ‘vulnerable’ during the current economic crisis have received direct assistance from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security under a project that has also assigned funds to support 30 shelters for homeless people in provinces along the Andaman coast.
Wednesday 17 March 2021, 05:45PM
Minister of Social Development and Human Security Juti Krairiksh stands with leading representatives of the project in Phuket at the ‘Early Childhood Promotion’ event at Phuket Merlin Hotel in Phuket Town last Saturday (Mar 13). Photo: PR Phuket
Abuse in Care: Salvation Army apologises for children and vulnerable people abused in its care - Source of great shame
14 Mar, 2021 10:34 PM
4 minutes to read
Social issues reporter, NZ
The Salvation Army says that children and vulnerable people were abused in its care is a source of great shame and the Christian organisation has pledged not to duck and weave in accepting responsibility.
The Abuse in Care Royal Commission is holding a two-week public hearing, starting today in Auckland, into the faith-based redress processes.
It is the second part and follows on from late 2020, when survivors shared their experiences of abuse and seeking recognition and redress.
Minnesota (again!): Nursing Home Aide Arrested on Charges He Raped Dementia Patient
I don’t know if you have been seeing the stories about how we need more refugees and immigrants so that they can become our caregivers as we age, but I have.
Those warm and fuzzy stories are everywhere, and frankly it gives me the creeps because stories like this one are everywhere too!
(I have a bunch of news items I’ve tagged
Maybe there should be laws in each state that prohibit men from
caring for women in nursing homes.
Son catches Minnesota senior home worker sexually assaulting 83-year-old mom on webcam: reports
Disability advocates claim Michigan left vulnerable residents behind amid COVID pandemic
‘This isn’t just about me and my child,’
They said the state never tracked cases among people with disabilities and they want to know why.
For Chuck Kupovits and his 39-year-old daughter Pamela, the pandemic has been nothing short of life or death. Pamela has a lung disorder that leaves her at risk for coronavirus. As the state moved through the pandemic, Kupovits said they left people like his daughter out, even after multiple attempts to reach out to state and federal leaders.
Studies done over the course of the coronavirus pandemic show those with mobility or sensory disabilities are more at risk to die from COVID-19. Those with autism are twice as likely to die and those with down syndrome are 10 times more at risk.