Tests of Prototype Hull for New French Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier Begins Our Bureau 396
PA-Ng prototype hull tests
The French Directorate General for Armaments (DGA) has begun testing the prototype hull meant for the Navy’s future aircraft carrier PA-Ng.
“On March 29, Naval Group and Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly announced the launch of the preliminary design works of the new generation aircraft carrier. A prototype hull for the future PA-Ng is currently being tested by the DGA,”the French Navy tweeted Tuesday.
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (French acronym: PA-Ng) will have a length of 330m, a width of 80m, maximum speed of 27 knots (55kmph) and a displacement of 75,000 tons. The ship will be able to accommodate 2000 sailors and carry electromagnetic catapults. The first steel cut is set for 2025, while sea trials are slated to begin in 2036.