Monthly block party brings dancing and family fun to Old Towne Petersburg
Monthly block party brings people out to dance under the stars
and last updated 2021-05-06 08:16:43-04
PETERSBURG, Va. A night of dancing under the stars is coming to Old Towne Petersburg every month.
The family-friendly block party will feature live music and DJs to get the party started. Old Towne Petersburg has so many beautiful historic buildings even nice outdoor event venues, said Yvette Ramirez with Capiku Entertainment Management. So, we figured, hey everybody loves to dance outdoors, lets, you know, focus on some of the businesses in Petersburg. It could be a win-win.
Prince George Master Gardeners affiliated with the Virginia Cooperative Extension, a Virginia Tech and Virginia State University partnership, were present sharing advice and knowledge with attendees. Ladies of Low Street Meanie and Feisty softened up a bit while listening to flutist Iris Schwartz perform.
According to Bobbie, the HPF selected the location for the event because it has a great yard and vantage point as well as high traffic volume. We want people to be aware and always remember the history of the Peter Jones Trading Station, said Bobbie.
HPF owns the Peter Jones Trading Station located at the most historic intersection in Petersburg just south of the Appomattox River: North Market Street and Grove Avenue.
Enjoy shopping, eating, listening to music performances, watch art demonstrations, and more at this inaugural event.
The Progress-Index
PETERSBURG - Who s ready to spend a Sunday afternoon at a block party? Mark your calendars to attend The Sycamore Street Experience happening May 16. We re hoping this effort to promote shopping local becomes an annual full-blown festival, shared Petersburg Pickers owner Kimberly Ann Calos. This fun-filled event will showcase the amazing, diverse, and historic assets our growing block and thriving City has to offer. There s so much to see and do in our little part of Petersburg.
The public is invited to celebrate the fun, uptown block of Sycamore Street where there will be music, specialty shopping, El Mundo De Las Delicious restaurant preparing authentic Mexican food as well as other food vendors, artists, a special exhibit “Virginia Stores of the Past” at Second Hand Rose, and so much more.
The Progress-Index
PETESRBURG – “It’s so nice to hear children s voices in here again,” said Richard Stewart, immersed in a field trip of about 20 kids standing in his home on Pocahontas Island.
Stewart’s house doubles as a Black History Museum that chronicles the island’s history as a the “oldest Black community in the United States.” It was the home of free Blacks as early as the 1800s, achieving prosperity and esteem. About 700 historical pieces are packed within the house’s walls.
Children filed through hallways piled to the ceiling in artifacts and old news clippings showing the island’s past – old steel shackles, a replica slave ship and information on historical figures like Gabriel Prosser, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, and John Rolfe.
Stand strong, believe in yourself, and chase those dreams - Kathleen Kat McCay
The Progress-Index
PETERSBURG - Old Towne resident Kathleen Kat McCay is beyond proud and excited to have reached her goal to own a brick-and-mortar restaurant by age 40.
McCay s close friends and family knew what she was up to but kept it a secret for a few weeks before McCay got the buzz going on Facebook about how her dream was close to becoming a reality.
McCay was overwhelmed with joy during the process of becoming the owner of Old Towne s Alibi in Petersburg.
Even before the contract was signed, McCay immediately began seeking fun, energetic people to serve during Saturday and Sunday brunch hours.