Article, 08 December 2020
This case study examines the deliberative and participatory processes used by Slum Dwellers International (SDI), focusing on two affiliated federations in Kenya and Malawi. It describes the ways in which participatory mechanisms have allowed SDI federations to self-organise and engage with policymakers at local, national and global level to respond to challenges, including COVID-19. It also reflects on the use of digital tools to strengthen community mobilisation, community data generation and learning processes.
Data collection in Lilongwe at Kawale settlement, Malawi (Photo: Wonderful Hunga, CCODE)
The Engaging citizens for socially just climate action project examines deliberative and participatory processes used by civil society networks in order to understand how to strengthen citizen engagement mechanisms and locally-led climate action and improve inclusive national-level climate decision making. In parallel, the project examines how technolog
Rose Molokoane
As news on Covid-19 vaccines spreads good cheer in the wealthier countries of the global North, thoughts turn to when we will be able to return to normal life. Meanwhile governments are anxiously assessing the complications of establishing mass vaccination programmes and whether vaccine hesitancy could reduce take up and threaten the recovery. For those living in informal settlements across the global South, the potential for the vaccine to herald recovery seems very different.
To bring to life experiences from those living in informal settlements, we’ve collated these insights from our work in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe.