Thursday nights in February and March, The Jack Dunlevie Trio hosts an engaging series exploring the iconic 1964 album “We Get Requests” by Oscar Peterson. Jack will be joined on stage by Patrick McDevitt in bass and Kevin Matthews on drums.
Jack Dunlevie is a Denver-based pianist, mandolinist, vocalist, and composer. He graduated in 2015 from the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver winning awards in composition and recital performance. Performing full time around Colorado and touring nationally he can be heard playing Jazz, Classical, Salsa, and Bluegrass with a variety of bands both as a side man and as a leader. This will be Jack’s second Nocturne residency as a band leader.
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Thursday nights in February and March, The Jack Dunlevie Trio hosts an engaging series exploring the iconic 1964 album “We Get Requests” by Oscar Peterson. Jack will be joined on stage by Patrick McDevitt in bass and Kevin Matthews on drums.
Jack Dunlevie is a Denver-based pianist, mandolinist, vocalist, and composer. He graduated in 2015 from the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver winning awards in composition and recital performance. Performing full time around Colorado and touring nationally he can be heard playing Jazz, Classical, Salsa, and Bluegrass with a variety of bands both as a side man and as a leader. This will be Jack’s second Nocturne residency as a band leader.
In the second volume of this concept, Jean-Luc Davis takes us back to the 90s and beyond with a well curated selection of alternative rock classics reimagined through the jazz and improvisatory lens.
Performer, Composer, Educator Jean-Luc Davis is an active performer in the Colorado music scene. In addition to leading his own ensemble, Jean-Luc plays with Gypsy Swing Revue, Tom Gershwin Quintet, Adam Bodine Trio, Andy Hackbarth Band, Jesse Manley Band, Jayme Stone and the Other side of the Air, the John Kite Quartet, and regularly accompanies Wonderbound. Additionally, Jean-Luc has performed with Ron Miles, Shane Endsley, Peter Sommer, 9th and Lincoln Orchestra, Art Lande, Greg Harris, the Aakash Mittal Quartet, Carmen Sandim Sextet, the Matt Fuller Group.
This week there are several streaming events to consider. First, on Sunday at noon MT, there’s a celebration of “40 Years in Yiddishland,” marking the 40th anniversary of the Klezmer Conservatory Band and the Yiddish Book Center.
At this juncture, klezmer (the folk musical sounds of Eastern European Jews) has reintegrained itself into the American music scene and the Klezmer Conservatory Band has played a key role in that. Interestingly, there is a Denver connection here due to presence of the great clarinetist Don Byron in an early version of this Klezmer band. Later Byron would spend two years in Denver directing Metro State University’s Jazz and American Improvised Music Program before returning to the East Coast.