Residents from Mays Landing were served some ice cream at Custard Castle by Hamilton Township police on Wednesday during their 'Custard With A Cop' event.
Robert De Niro jest jednym z najwybitniejszych żyjących aktorów. Widzowie pokochali go za role w "Ojcu Chrzestnym" czy "Taksówkarzu". Niewiele osób wie jednak, jak skomplikowane jest życie prywatne utalentowanego
The discussion about reparations has grown increasingly divisive as both proponents and opponents of reparations make their case. Political hopefuls campaign on the idea that if elected they will see to it that reparations are paid. Newly elected politicians seeking to make a name for themselves sound a rally cry for reparations.
Britain’s public apology and reparations to Kenya’s Kipsigis and Talai victims is long overdue. It is vital that we keep fighting for justice for the victims of racism past and present, writes CLAUDIA WEBBE MP