DailyTrib.com Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now The Burnet high school and middle school Interact Clubs are holding their annual Soles4Souls shoe drive to collect new and used footwear, which will go to those in need in the United States and other countries. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
Don’t toss those old shoes. The Burnet high school and middle school Interact Clubs are collecting footwear in all styles and conditions for Soles4Souls, an organization that provides shoes, clothing, and job opportunities to people around the world.
DailyTrib.com Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now Burnet Consolidated Independent School District voters are being asked to consider a May bond that includes four propositions at a total of $52 million. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
To better understand the $52 million bond proposal on the May ballot, Burnet school district voters should look east down Texas 29.
Liberty Hill Independent School District is facing rapid growth and putting a $490 million bond proposal before its own voters in May.
“They’re expecting to double in size as a school district by 2025, and every indication is that growth is going to spill over into Burnet (Consolidated Independent School District) and first going to be at Bertram Elementary,” said BCISD Superintendent Keith McBurnett during his recent State of the District address.
BCISD wants educators prioritized for COVID-19 vaccinations Burnet High School history teacher Diane Wood is the Burnet Consolidated Independent School District Teacher of the Year. Principal Casey Burkhart introduced her to the BCISD board of trustees during a meeting March 1. Courtesy photo
With another COVID-19 vaccine now available, more Texans soon could be eligible for vaccination, and Burnet Consolidated Independent School District officials would like educators to be on that list.
The BCISD board of trustees approved a resolution during its special meeting March 1 to encourage Gov. Greg Abbott to prioritize teachers and other educators in the state’s vaccine rollout.
DailyTrib.com Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now 2 months ago | DailyTrib.com A broken water pipe in the Burnet High School Fine Arts Building caused significant damage to the auditorium, but district crews and the fire department were able to remove the water. Photo from Burnet school district Facebook page
As Burnet Consolidated School District thawed over the weekend after the winter storm, officials discovered new problems, including a flooded auditorium and a damaged drive.
On Sunday, Feb. 21, district crews discovered the Burnet High School auditorium had flooded due to a broken water pipe in the fine arts building.
DailyTrib.com Support Community Press You can show your support of a vibrant and healthy free press by becoming a voluntary subscriber. Subscribe Now With Bertram Elementary School closer to capacity, Burnet Consolidated Independent School District officials are including additional classroom space in one of four bond propositions going before voters May 1. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
The Burnet Consolidated Independent School District Board of Trustees called for a $52.5 million bond election for May 1. The bond package is split into four propositions.
The unanimous decision came during a board meeting Monday, Feb. 8. The board had initially called for a bond package in 2020, but it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.