Obituary: Lee Adam Darling
GRAY - Lee Adam Darling, Union Electrician IBEW Local 567, passed on Jan. 17, 2021. He was born May 9, 1963. .
Lee Adam Darling
GRAY – Lee Adam Darling, Union Electrician IBEW Local 567, passed on Jan. 17, 2021. He was born May 9, 1963. Lee graduated from Cape Elizabeth High School.
Lee was a proud and talented Union Electrician. He held a Master Electrian license in Maine, as well journeyman licenses in New Mexico, Washington state and California. For the past 11 years he was working in California. He worked in the following Locals #180, #595, and most currently Local #6. Lee was blessed to work on some major projects, Valero Refinery, Cal Berkeley Stadium, Bay Area Bridge, Trans Bay Terminal and The Chase Center Warriors Stadium. As an IBEW traveler, Lee posed the Maine hard working ethics, he never missed a day nor was he late.
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania reported the following activities in the suit brought by
Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of PA DE,
Trustees of Bricklayer & Trowel Trades International Pension Fund,
Trustees of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of PA DE Annuity Fund,
Trustees of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of PA DE Health & Welfare Fund,
Trustees of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of PA DE Joint Apprentice and Training Fund,
Trustees of Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 1 of PA DE Pension Fund and
Trustees of Local 1 of PA TMT Vacation Fund against
Business Management Solutions and
Jim Esposito on Jan. 29.
Source: Ara Institute of Canterbury
Ara Institute of Canterbury has just had all of its IT and digital technology courses added to the Governmentâs Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) scheme, with the Bachelor of ICT degree being the only exception. This means that incoming students can gain access to these courses for free, potentially setting them off in a stress-free way towards a well-paid and future-proof career.
The TTAF scheme is one way in which the New Zealand Government is assisting newly-unemployed workers who have been impacted by COVIDâs drag on the economy, while also training more skilled workers for growth industries nationally and internationally.
Budget tops town warrant
January 28, 2021The town s deliberative session is this coming Tuesday, and voters will be deciding on 30 articles, including money toward vehicles and equipment for the fire, police, and public works departments.
The town deliberative session is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Gilford High School auditorium with a link for Zoom meeting available. The full town warrant can be viewed in full at TOWN MEETING PACKET.pdf. Registered Gilford voters can contribute public comment, ask questions, and propose amendments to articles.
Article 2 is a proposed zoning amendment that would change the zoning of the northern side of Lake Shore Road east from Lily Pond Road from Industrial to Commercial.
New certificate courses include cleaning, education support and care, information technology essentials and information technology. However, SIT acting chief executive Maree Howden said the TTAF courses did not have a negative impact on its own Zero Fees scheme. It had a very focused approach to attracting students under TTAF, with additional government funding and marketing, Howden said. Financially SIT benefits as student tuition was covered under the scheme in which Zero Fees did not, she said. SIT’s Zero Fees scheme still supported courses, which were not part of the TTAF scheme, Howden said. Previously when the Government introduced first year free tertiary education, the institution was concerned about losing its competitive advantage.