News about how little income tax some of the richest Americans reportedly pay is adding to questions about the value to society of their massive charitable donations.
Most nonprofits emerge from pandemic wounded, but still open
Nonprofits across the nation suffered deep economic hardships and many cut services during the pandemic, but strong government support and stepped-up giving by foundations and individuals averted the widespread charity failures that many experts had feared, according to interviews with experts and a new study out Tuesday. The Center for Effective Philanthropy study shows little evidence to support predictions a year ago of widespread nonprofit failures, though a few ceased operating temporarily and may not resume services. “We were a bit surprised that they fared better than expected,” said Ellie Buteau, vice president for research.
One year ago, as protesters filled America s streets demanding justice after George Floyd s murder by police, corporations and major philanthropists pledged an outpouring of donations for racial equity causes.
One year ago, as protesters filled America’s streets demanding justice after George Floyd’s murder by police, corporations and major philanthropists pledged an outpouring of donations for racial equity causes