Snapchat star Tom Sainsbury travels to Hastings with his field guide to New Zealand book
15 Feb, 2021 12:11 AM
2 minutes to read
Social media star and comedian Tom Sainsbury will be at the Common Room in Hastings from 7pm on Friday, February 19.
Social media star and comedian Tom Sainsbury will be at the Common Room in Hastings from 7pm on Friday, February 19.
Hawkes Bay Today
By: Louise Gould
Fiona the wine reviewer could be just the tonic Hawke s Bay needs to get it through Covid uncertainty.
Matamata comedian Tom Sainsbury, who is known for his Snapchat impersonations, will, alert level permitting, be in Hastings this Friday hosting a chat about his new book New Zealanders: A Field Guide .
Missing cat travels from North Otago to Christchurch and back again
1 Feb, 2021 12:10 AM
3 minutes to read
After going missing eight weeks ago, RB the cat enjoys some pats from her owner, Adele McEwan. Photo / Ruby Heyward
After going missing eight weeks ago, RB the cat enjoys some pats from her owner, Adele McEwan. Photo / Ruby Heyward
Oamaru Mail
A cat that went missing two months ago has been reunited with its North Otago owners after it was taken into a vet centre in Christchurch.
Adele and Richard McEwan were very happy to have their cat RB at their home in Weston again last week, but were surprised she had been on such a big journey over the past two months.
31 de enero de 2021, 0:0
Beijing, Jan 31 (Prensa Latina) China announced a tightening of control measures for passengers arriving on direct flights from Canada and India in order to prevent the entry of individuals infected with Covid-19.