A second animated short for Blizzard’s upcoming shooter, Overwatch, has been released. And this time, it features the cold-blooded assassin Widowmaker.
The animated short, entitled “Alive,” was released on PlayStation’s YouTube channel. In the short, Widowmaker faces off against Tracer while trying to assassinate the Omnic-equality leader, Tekhartha Mondatta. The short also shows the catalyst for the Second Omnic Crisis. You can check out the video below.
Alive follows the first Overwatch animated short, Recall. These videos balance storytelling while making references to in-game mechanics. Alive shows off the abilities of both Widowmaker and Tracer.
Overwatch will release on May 24th. The game will release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game’s open beta will be held May 5th-9th, and will be available on all three platforms. All of the maps and heroes will be playable during the beta, but progress made will not carry over to the main game.
Warm on Thursday with isolated thunderstorms in the plains.
Carol Jean Brantner
and last updated 2021-05-19 19:42:51-04
Tonight s Forecast:
Isolated showers and thunderstorms will continue a few hours after sunset in the mountains and mountain valleys. The plains will be partly cloudy and dry this evening.
A FLASH FLOOD WATCH remains in effect until 9 pm for portions of central Colorado and southeast Colorado, including the following areas, in southern Colorado, Fremont County, Huerfano County, Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, and Wet Mountains.
PUEBLO: Low: 49;
Blizzard s Overwatch 2 Developer PVP Livestream took place today and with it came fresh details and news about some of the new maps that will be included in the upcoming sequel. Previously announced maps like New York, Toronto, and Rio were shown off as full matches between two teams (now made up [.]