Jessica Anderson, Carrie Severino and Caitlin Sutherland provide insight on ‘Fox and Friends.’
During his inaugural address, President Biden waxed poetically about unity not division. But not even a month later, he is delivering a steady diet of extremism – both in his policies and his top-level executive branch nominees.
One of these extremist nominees is named Vanita Gupta.
You may not have heard her name before, but she’s been nominated to be associate attorney general at the Department of Justice – the agency’s No. 3 official.
The associate attorney general is a powerful figure at the DOJ, formulating and implementing Departmental policies and programs pertaining to a broad range of civil justice, federal and local law enforcement, and public safety matters, according to the DOJ’s website.
Print article Two weeks before the November election, attack ads started showing up on Facebook targeting independent and Democratic state legislative candidates. “Calvin Schrage is no independent,” said one of the ads, referring to the independent candidate for a House seat representing the Anchorage Hillside. “He is a typical liberal Democrat.” The group paying for the ads, the Council on Good Government, received nearly all of the $380,000 it raised from a single group: the Washington, D.C.-based Republican State Leadership Committee. But only after votes were counted did the RSLC have to reveal its own donors, who contributed a total of $8.5 million to deploy weeks before Election Day.
Publisher s Note: This post appears here courtesy of the Carolina Journal. The author of this post is Amy Cooke.
There is big money in the dark shadows of the left s activist networks, and its most well-kept secret is infiltrating North Carolina.
Meet Arabella Advisors, a consulting company that controls a $731 million nonprofit nexus from its plush headquarters in Washington, D.C. Through its four in-house nonprofits the vaguely named New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund, and Windward Fund Arabella has quietly funneled nearly $2.5 billion since its creation in 2005 from major foundations and mega-donors to left-wing activists, voter registration groups, litigation nonprofits, and think tanks.
There is big money in the dark shadows of the left’s activist networks, and its most well-kept secret is infiltrating North Carolina.
Meet Arabella Advisors, a consulting company that controls a $731 million nonprofit nexus from its plush headquarters in Washington, D.C. Through its four in-house nonprofits the vaguely named New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund, and Windward Fund Arabella has quietly funneled nearly $2.5 billion since its creation in 2005 from major foundations and mega-donors to left-wing activists, voter registration groups, litigation nonprofits, and think tanks.
These groups push an extreme agenda that includes no parental choice in education, divisive identity politics issues, gun control, government-controlled health care, climate alarmism, higher taxes, energy poverty, and more. They try to discredit Republican candidates and popular causes like school choice, affordable health care, and energy independence. They do it for one singular pur
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Presented by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Earthjustice
With Daniel Lippman
Chip Unruh, the press secretary for Sen.
Jack Reed (D-R.I.), the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, blasted out a gentle reminder email to the Capitol Hill press: “Reed is NOT Chairman of SASC (yet).” Reed’s ascension to chair of the defense committee will come once Senate Majority Leader