From carrying parts of the first rocket on a bicycle to finding water on the Moon, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has come a long way since its inception and has been pioneering space missions with untiring zeal.
March 17, 2021
Pay enough attention to the silver market this year and you’re sure to hear something about short covering and squeezes.
That chatter is starting up again, and it could be to the benefit of the
“Silver once again outperformed Gold today by gains, Silver is up just over 1%, while Gold gained only 0.24%. According to the CFTC data as of March 9, there is a 20,000 spread between the overall net positions on Silver Futures, with an edge going to short positions,” reports
PSLV is a closed-end fund that lets investors redeem large blocks of shares in exchange for delivery of silver bullion.
State-run NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) to make polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) rockets by Indian industry for carrying communication or observation satellites into the earth s lower orbits.
With a global demand for launching small satellites, the enterprise is looking at production of the PSLV and is expecting to engage with industry partners in the next six months.